Sunday, May 2, 2010

exams again... ...

The exams are here again... ... So sad. Everyday after school, I have to study and study and study. Hardly any time to watch TV. Sometimes, too much homework given by my subject teachers, and I have to stay up at night to finish my homework. Exams are always stressful!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Yeah! Chrismas is coming tomorrow, I am so excited. I love to open my mother's present! Anyway, I wish you all a happy Merry X'mas!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Yeah! The holidays are finally here. I can finally relax! I need not wake up so early anymore. But sad because I cannot see my old friends for 6 weeks and 4 days. It would be terrible. During the holidays, we will plan to do some activities so that we will not be bored to deaf. I can play my games like PSP, Guitar Hero, PS2, Xbox, Computer and Game Boy! Hope that the 6 weeks and 4 days will end quickly!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The exams are over!!!

Yeah! Finally the examinations are over!!! I am so happy. now, I would be using Facebook to play Pet Society. Ahhhhhh, now I am relived... ...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My unsuccessful Gooblek

Remember the day that we first put our hands on Gooblek in the Science Explorer Room? Yuk!!! The Gooblek feels so yuky!!! I hate the feeling. Too bad, the Gooblek that our group made was  unsuccesful, but Nathanel's group made it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hong Kong tour

  My family went to Hong Kong many years ago. My family went out of the hotel and walked straight and came to a few stalls to get something to eat, my father wanted Smelly Tofu so my mother went to get it for him. My father and mother shared the Smelly Tofu my brother and I hate the smell so we stayed away from them. After that, we took a taxi to a place to somewhere and walked around the place and came to a toy shop. They sold many Gundams and quite a lot of small figurings. I  bought two packet of Hello Kitty firgurings with birthdays number on their clothings. I also bought one packet of toy figurings which have one head, one body, a pair of  hands a pair of  legs.

   We went  back to the hotel as I was exhausted that night. We stayed in Hong Kong for two days and one night. We packed up and leave the hotel. After that, we took a cab to  Disney Land !!!!!!!!!!  We stayed at the  Hollywood Hotel !!!!!!!!!!  After taking a rest, we went to Disney Land. The most interesting game is ......  Winnie The Pooh!  The game that I dislike most is the Roller Coster. Inside is so dark that you won't even know which directions you are going. Too bad too sad, it was time to go home. 

  I hope that next time, I can go to Hong Kong to play again!!!


Today, I forgot that it is PSLE Listening Comprehension day and I woke up at 6.10 a.m. and prepare to go to school. Luckily, my mother reminded my father and I that I need not go to school today!!! I went back to sleep after I almost wash up. If my mother did not remind me and I go to school, I will be a laughing stock.

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